Book a BVD test

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To book contact your LIC rep

or call 0800 436362

We offer several tests that use blood and tissue samples to identify PI animals so you can cull them and protect your herd.

Use these tests to:

  • screen new additions to your herd
  • screen calves and yearlings
  • screen natural mating bulls before introducing them to your herd.

BVD testing using tissue samples

Detect the BVD virus in individual animals by using our tissue test. If you're DNA parentage testing, you can also add BVD testing onto this.

What test you're getting and how old your animals are will determine what tissue sampling unit (TSU) you need to use - wet or dry.

BVD test flowchart.png

For more information regarding BVD testing on calves please read BVD testing on calves – FAQ’s

See Collecting tissue samples for A2 gene testing or BVD testing for information about how to collect and send tissue samples for standalone BVD testing, and how to combine the BVD test with DNA parentage testing.

Use the GeneMark Genomics Sample Submission form to test for the BVD virus in tissue samples collected for DNA parentage testing.

Use the Animal Health Sample Submission form to test for the BVD virus in tissue samples collected for standalone BVD testing. Tick BVD Antigen ELISA or Tissue BVD PCR on the form.

Getting BVD results

  • We’ll send you the results from BVD Ag ELISA testing in 3 working days and Tissue BVD PCR results in 7 working days.
  • All BVD results will be uploaded to MINDA to provide animals with a lifetime BVD status.
  • An animal will be marked in MINDA as either Persistently Infected (PI) or Not Persistently Infected (NPI).
  • If the test result is Probably PI (PPI), a retest is required for PI confirmation.

More information about Wet TSUs.

More information about BVD testing calves.

BVD testing using blood samples

Detect the BVD virus in calves before they are 35 days old with blood samples taken by your vet.

You can also use blood samples as an alternative to tissue samples to test for the BVD virus in individual animals, or to measure their exposure level or immunity status.

Your vet should collect a 10ml blood sample for each animal being tested. We prefer purple top blood tubes but will accept red top tubes.

Choose from three tests:

  • BVD PCR — detect the virus in animals over 35 days old.
  • Calf PCR — detect the virus in calves less than 35 days old.
  • BVD antigen ELISA — detect the virus in animals over 35 days with a slightly faster turnaround time for results.

Send the blood samples, with a completed Animal Health Sample Submission form, to:

LIC Diagnostics
140 Riverlea Road
Hamilton 3216

Tick the box on the form to indicate which of the tests you want.

We’ll send you the results in 3 to 5 days, depending on which of the tests you choose.

Book a BVD test

Contact your LIC rep

Protect your herd, your production and your income.

To book contact your LIC rep

or call 0800 436362