Find out more
Make informed decisions about the health of your herd.
Or contact our Animal Health Advisors on 0800 436 362 if you would like to discuss any of our milk tests further.

Knowing more about each of your cows is vital to make informed management decisions that will ultimately improve your herd.
As part of a normal herd test, you can get a range of animal health and diagnostic tests carried out on your cows without the invasiveness, time or hassle of additional testing.
We can carry out all of these tests on a herd test sample:
In addition to this herd testing also provides production information and somatic cell count data to support breeding, culling and dry off decisions.
Learn more
Drop of milk is due diligence.
Learn how Rachel and Carl North are using our range of milk based testing to benefit their businesses.
Is she? Is she not? Test her pregnancy through her milk.
Read about the growing number of farmers who are using the same milk from herd test samples to test for pregnancy.
Find out more
Make informed decisions about the health of your herd.
Or contact our Animal Health Advisors on 0800 436 362 if you would like to discuss any of our milk tests further.