Arrange a herd test

Contact your local LIC Rep

Increase your herd's productivity and value – arrange a herd test today.

Or, get in touch with our herd testing team.

Welcome to Herd Testing Booklet

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For more information have a look at our herd test information booklet.

Notify us of any milking regime and herd changes

Please ensure all herd test details on the date confirmation letter you were posted in August are correct and up to date.

If we aren’t notified of herd or regime changes, you may require an extra
delivery of equipment which incurs an additional charge of $195+GST.

Two weeks prior to each herd test, we’ll send an email and text message
reminder. Please check the test details and confirm they are correct by replying to the email. If we don’t hear from you within three days of the email, our team will arrange a follow up call to confirm the test details with you.

You can notify us of any changes by emailing [email protected] or calling our Herd Test team on 0800 837 843.

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Capped flasks to avoid sample contamination

All flasks will arrive on farm capped to help prevent foreign matter contamination, such as dust and grit, either through transit or in the milking shed.

The main risk of contamination happens during the changing of flasks between samples. It is important that the lids remain on the flasks right up until they are being used and are again capped straight after removal from the meter.

Two common ways grit contamination can be prevented include:

  • Ensure cow teats are clean before milking, particularly after bad weather as there is no filter between the cup and the flask.
  • In sheds with internal feeding, check before changing flasks that there is no feed build up on the top of meters that could fall into the flask when the flap is lifted to release the seal.

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Tray placement and cleanliness

To ensure the integrity of the sample, it is important that samples are stored in a clean, cool, shaded area away from potential contaminants, such as heat sources like machinery and direct sunlight until they are collected.

Foreign objects on the flasks can impact the measured weight of flasks (causing volume inaccuracy) and introduce health and safety issues. The need to handle dirty trays can pose cleaning challenges of the flasks – dirty equipment in, can result in dirty equipment out, despite best efforts to clean and this impacts other customers.

If herd test equipment is not cleaned to a suitable standard or trays are dirty when collected from farm, a cleaning fee of $195.00+GST may be charged.

Please note: any water left on flasks from the cleaning trays or leaving trays exposed to wet weather, can also impact the measured weight and affect the integrity of the sample. It is crucial caps are securely in place and surface water is avoided.

Clean with fresh hot water for wash

When Herd Test gear is being washed in buckets (such as: soaking meters and/or rubberwear) best practice is to use fresh hot water.

To prevent chemical burns when cleaning the equipment, and degradation of rubberwear, please refrain from using Alkali. Where necessary, recycled hot acid wash water may be used.

Arrange a herd test

Contact your local LIC Rep

Increase your herd's productivity and value – arrange a herd test today.

Or, get in touch with our herd testing team.