Buy Jersey Future straws

Contact Jersey New Zealand

Protect the breed’s future and increase its genetic diversity.

You can also call 07 856 073 for more information or download the Jersey Future order form.

Benefits of Jersey Future

Jersey Future gives members of Jersey New Zealand early access to semen from elite young Jersey bulls at a great price.

Breed from bulls that have been selected to deliver:

  • genetic gain
  • diversity
  • reliability
  • longevity.

As a Jersey Future farmer you’ll also be helping to protect the breed’s future and increase its genetic diversity. Jerseys used to be New Zealand’s main dairy breed. Now they make up just 10% of the national herd.

Jersey cows are very efficient for their size. They produce high quantities of milk solids for each kilogram of live weight, and they have particularly high milk fat levels. 

How Jersey Future works

Jersey Future is a joint sire proving scheme set up by LIC and Jersey New Zealand in 2016 to produce more top Jersey bulls for artificial breeding. 

Each year up to eight promising young bulls are added to the scheme. These bulls are additional to the Jersey bulls in our conventional sire proving scheme

The bulls are selected jointly by LIC and Jersey New Zealand and raised on our bull farms. 

We collect the semen from the bulls, but it’s sold through Jersey New Zealand, which is responsible for proving the bulls. This is done using information provided by Jersey Future farmers following the daughters’ first lactation. 

Proofs in the scheme are available since 2020. Successful graduates will be added to our Premier Sires teams and Alpha Nominated list.

Download the Jersey Future Young Sire catalogue for more information

Jersey Future prices

$7 (GST excl.) per straw for straws from all the new bulls in the scheme. 

$8 (GST excl.) per straw for a selection of straws from six bulls.

$10 (GST excl.) per straw for straws from individual bulls.

Maximum number of straws: 50 per bull.

Buy Jersey Future straws

Contact Jersey New Zealand

Protect the breed’s future and increase its genetic diversity.

You can also call 07 856 073 for more information or download the Jersey Future order form.