Book a DNA test

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Receive Production Variant results with your test.

Or, for more information please call our GeneMark team on 0800 436 362.

GeneMark Illumina

LIC scientists have discovered a set of production variants (recessive genetic variations) that impact dairy cow health and production.

Although affected animals are rare – around 0.5% of animals born will be affected by one of the variants (including small calf syndrome) – impacts are substantial including lower milk production, lower milk solids, smaller stature, smaller chest circumference, and lower liveweight. Estimated average losses in milk production can be between 37 – 75kg milk solid per lactation, with some animals reaching significantly higher losses.

If any of your animals are affected, we will provide this information free of charge alongside your parentage results so you can make an informed decision on whether to retain these animals in your herd.

Book a DNA test

Contact your LIC rep

Receive Production Variant results with your test.

Or, for more information please call our GeneMark team on 0800 436 362.